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your business
The Astute Client Engagement
Program is designed to provide the
marketing support you need to help
you focus on the day-to-day running
of your business.
Whether you choose your brand or ours, we have marketing services
that will help to keep you front of mind with your clients. As they look
to make important financial decisions throughout their lives, we actively
position you as the central point of contact for their every need. Marketing
campaigns are developed in-house to assist members in communicating
consistently with their clients throughout the year.
“My relationship with Astute commenced “The best part of being part of Astute is
in 2008. Since then I have been nominated the family vibe. The other offices are all
for and won numerous industry awards. determined to help each other succeed,
and help grow not only their own
What I expect from my aggregator is businesses, but each other’s.
assistance with credit issues and business
planning, good software and marketing The collaboration and relationships
support; Astute ticks these boxes and even between offices has significantly helped
pays my commissions regularly and on me grow my business and improve my
time. If you are looking for an aggregator systems and processes.”
that cares about the success of your
business look no further than Astute.”